
Monthly Veteran Breakfast

Join us every 2nd Tuesday of the month at the VFW building (105 Memorial Lane Lexington, VA 24450) at 0830 for a free Veteran Breakfast.  This new initiative has been aimed at supporting veteran mental health and wellness by creating an environment where veterans can come together and learn about various topics or resources available to them in our community.  This event has served as a platform for offering veterans the supports, resources and information specific to veteran mental health in order to help each individual thrive and feel connected to their community.  This event is sponsored by Veteran Peer Support Services at Rockbridge Area Community Services and is located at the VFW building in Lexington unless otherwise noted (VFW membership is not required). Updates are posted on our Facebook/Instagram channels.

More about us

Prevention Forum

More information about 2025 event coming soon.  To sign up to be a part of the planning team, email

More about us

Click on the links below to view videos or photos from past years' events.

2024 Schedule and Speakers

Click on the links below to view the schedule or speakers from last year's event.

Drug Take Back

Bring your expired, unused and unwanted medication to the Drug Take Back events in April and October for safe disposal!  More information coming soon about the next Drug Take Back event happening at a location near you. 

Our community also have 6 permanent medication drop box locations that you can dispose of medications throughout the year. Check out the locations by clicking on the button below.

Permanent Medication Drop Box Locations

Mental Health Walk - May 9, 2025

Come join us at Skyline Trail at Natural Bridge State Park for fun-filled community walk, wagon rides, stargazing, and more! All are invited! The walk, wagon ride, and stargazing are all free. The purpose of our community walk is to lift each other up and support those who have been impacted in some way by suicide or mental health challenges. Feel free to walk as an individual, with family, with friends, or even as part of an agency team. Working together as a community, we can reduce the stigma around suicide and mental health and foster an environment where those who need help feel comfortable reaching out to receive it. We hope to see you there! 

Click here to learn more

Family and Caregiver Support Group

Join other parents and caregivers on the 3rd Saturday of each month in a relaxed atmosphere to talk about the challenges and joys of raising children with special needs. Presentation and discussion topics can include anything from waivers and assistive technology to behaviors but will be ultimately by determined by the group. 

Questions? Call 540-817-5039
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