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It is the mission of RACS Prevention Services to empower the community through collaboration, education, and resources that support informed decisions to enhance quality of life.
Our Services Include:
Coalition Work
Topical Conversations
Hidden in Plain Sight
Parent Handbooks
Red Ribbon Week
Mental Health Awareness
Educational Programming: Catch My Breath
Firearm Safety Devices
Tobacco Retailer Education - Countertools
Gambling Prevention
Medication Storage and Disposal Pouches
Trauma Informed Care
Our Coalition Work
We are the fiscal agent of the Rockbridge Area Prevention Coalition, the Live Healthy Rockbridge Kids Coalition and the Crisis Intevention Team (CIT) coalition. We are also active members on the Live Healthy Rockbridge Coalition which is a part of Carilion Rockbridge Community Hospital. To learn more about coalition work or to get involved, click on the links below or email us.
*Rockbridge Area Prevention Coalition
*Live Healthy Rockbridge Kids Coalition
*Students in Rockbridge Promoting Healthy Alternatives (SiRPHA) - youth coalition
Test in the field
Success Garanteed
Trainings We Offer
Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences
SafeTALK (Suicide Alertness)
ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training)
REVIVE (Naloxone Administration)
Trauma Informed Speakers
Topical Presentations
Concept Creation
We partner with all of the area schools to provide educational information based on the needs identifed in the most recent data collection or as identified by the schools.
This school year we are providing a program called Catch My Breath. This program is an evidence-based curriculum with a focus on vaping and tobacco prevention education.
Prevention Team Mission Statement:
It is the mission of RACS Prevention Services to empower the community through collaboration, education, and resources that support informed decisions to enhance quality of life.
Our Services Include:
The coalition’s mission is to reduce substance use among youth and build resilient youth and families through evidence-based strategies to achieve community-level change.
A Rockbridge community with resilient youth and families that are physically and mentally healthy
Our coalition meets monthly to work on multiple strategies.
Description Title
Write a description for this tab and include information that will interest site visitors. For example if you are using tabs to show different services write about what makes this service unique. If you are using tabs to display restaurant items write about what makes a specific dish particularly worthwhile or delicious.
Write a description for this tab and include information that will interest site visitors. For example if you are using tabs to show different services write about what makes this service unique. If you are using tabs to display restaurant items write about what makes a specific dish particularly worthwhile or delicious.
Description Title
Write a description for this tab and include information that will interest site visitors. For example if you are using tabs to show different services write about what makes this service unique. If you are using tabs to display restaurant items write about what makes a specific dish particularly worthwhile or delicious.
Description Title
Write a description for this tab and include information that will interest site visitors. For example if you are using tabs to show different services write about what makes this service unique. If you are using tabs to display restaurant items write about what makes a specific dish particularly worthwhile or delicious.
Description Title
Write a description for this tab and include information that will interest site visitors. For example if you are using tabs to show different services write about what makes this service unique. If you are using tabs to display restaurant items write about what makes a specific dish particularly worthwhile or delicious.
Description Title
Write a description for this tab and include information that will interest site visitors. For example if you are using tabs to show different services write about what makes this service unique. If you are using tabs to display restaurant items write about what makes a specific dish particularly worthwhile or delicious.
All about our meetings
Paragraph about the meetings, when they happen and where. Button will include meeting mintues.
What We Do
The Live Healthy Rockbridge Kids coalition has been foundational in participating in various programs in the area. Some of the initiatives over the years have included: Veggie Brigades, Girls on the Run, Community Gardens, Healthy Retail, Nutrition and Physical Activity Education, Healthy Food access, and so much more.
This year the coalition is focused on Healthy Retail, After-school Nutrition Educations, StoryWalks,
About Our Partners
The Live Healthy Rockbridge Kids coalition has 15 core partners: Rockbridge Area Community Services (RACS), Rockbridge Area Prevention Coalition (RAPC), Carilion Rockbridge Community Hospital (CRCH), Campus Kitchen at Washington and Lee University (CKWL), Rockbridge County Public Schools (RCPS), Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE); Boxerwood Nature Center (BNC); Natural Bridge State Park (NBSP); Chamber of Commerce (CoC); Rockbridge Area Health Center (RAHC); Yellow Brick Road (YBR); Greater Rockbridge County Skateboarder Coalition; Rockbridge Outdoors; Main Street Buena Vista; Lexington Office on Youth; and 2 Community Members. 
Include a little about the funding sources here...who they are and how these organizations have supported the coalition efforts.
Books: ACES Resources
Articles on suicide, tobacco, vaping, alcohol, stimulants, opioids, gaming/gambling, marijuana, ACES
Videos: ACES Resources
How School are Responding to JUUling
Daily Princetonian: Juul Epidemic Hits Campus
Center 4 research: Vaping Safer Smoking-Cigarettes
CDC Strengthens Concern Over Vaping
Truth Initiative: 4 Things Parents Need Know About JUUL and Nicotine addiction
New Yorker Magazine: The Promise of Vaping and the Rise of the JUUL.
Stop Cancer Fund: PZ diet habits behaviors the dangers of juuling
coming soon
To learn more about our prevention services or either of our coalitions, contact us at
241 Greenhouse Road Lexington, VA 24450
241 Greenhouse Road Lexington, VA 24450
Business Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Sat-Sun: Closed
Bath County Office
12187 Sam Snead Hwy
Warm Springs, VA 24484
Eagle's Nest Clubhouse
101 West 29th Street
Buena Vista, VA 24416
Magnolia Center
75 Village Way Lexington,
VA 24450
75 Village Way
Lexington, VA 24450